
You can install dmae from PyPI using pip, from the source Github repository or pulling a preconfigured docker image.


To install dmae using pip you can run the followiing command:

pip install dmae

(optional) If you have an environment with the nvidia drivers and CUDA, you can instead run:

pip install dmae-gpu


You can clone the dmae repository as follows:

git clone

You must install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

(optional) If you have an environment with the nvidia drivers and CUDA, you can instead run:

pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt

Finally, you can install dmae via setuptools

pip install --no-deps . 


You can pull a preconfigured docker image with dmae from DockerHub:

docker pull juselara/dmae:1.1.0

(optional) If you have the nvidia drivers installed, you can pull the following image:

docker pull juselara/dmae:1.1.0-gpu